What better way to get to know me than to learn a bunch of RANDOM FACTS about me? 🙂
-I am OBSESSED with planners and organization
-I re-watch old Disney movies and Marvel movies all day when I am home on weekends
-During weekdays after getting home from work I put Friends on (I’ve seen all episodes at least 100 times)
-My favorite things in life right now are Flamin’ Hot Popcorn!
-I have 3 adorable little nephews (2 of them born blonde and they are full Chinese)
-I hate cheese and technology. I only eat Taco Bell cheese and light Mozzarella on pizza
-I have traveled to many places including France, Italy, Netherlands, China, New Zealand, Australia, England, Jamaica and all over the US
-I love the Yankees! (My first game was at the old Yankees Stadium when I interned in NYC in 2005)
-I speak Mandarin and semi fluent Physical Therapy lingo in Spanish
-My go to drinks are Lemondrop martinis and Coors Lite
-I am an alumna of Chi Omega Fraternity, Beta Kappa Chapter at Cal Poly Pomona. President in 2004!
-85% of the time I am wearing black or white
-My all time favorite show (besides Friends) is Prison Break
-I have been in 9 weddings as a bridesmaid
-My favorite past time is playing Pai Gow with my dad for hours and hours at MGM in Vegas
-Last but not least, I took out a $3k loan from my sister to start my photography business and paid her back with money I earned as a server
Tell me – What is something random about you?